Why is Azula's fire blue?

As we've all always wondered, I'm about to explain why Azula's fire is blue.
This article contains spoilers of The Search Part 1 so please stop reading immediately if you do not want spoilers. Alternatively, you can check out The Search Part 1 here.

Azula is arguably the most powerful firebender in the Avatar universe.
In The Search Part 1, Firelord Azulon wanted Ozai and Ursa to have kids together. He wanted them to have kids together because Ozai is the future Firelord and Ursa is a descendant of a past Avatar (Roku), and since they both have such a strong and powerful bloodline, their children's bending would be highly enhanced and their bending would be very powerful and unstoppable.
As it was revealed that Zuko is not Ozai's son, it would make sense that he doesn't have blue firebending because he doesn't have the strong bloodline from the Fire Nation royalty's side of the family. Which means Azula would be the only one out of the two siblings who is a descendant of the Firelord AND the Avatar.

What do you guys think of this? Be sure to post your thoughts and check out my youtube video of this here.

Thanks for reading!


  1. cool idea makes sense

  2. I think that Ozai and Azula want Zuko to think that he isn't Ozais son, so Azula can get the throne of the fire lord and in real Zuko is the son of Ozai..

  3. I really like this idea! But one thing that i dont understand is that Zuko is younger than Azula. So how could Ursa conceive Zuko before Azula because Ursa was with her old love before she was with Ozai so she would be carrying Azulz not Zuko. Do you know what i mean?

    1. Zuko isnt younger than Azula. During the show, Zuko was 16 and Azula was 14. Zuko is two years older than Azula.

    2. ReallY? MY BAD. i Thought Azula was older. lol nvm

  4. Actually Ursa WANTED to believe that Zuko wasn't Ozai's son. But the truth was he was whether she liked it or not. When Ozai confronted her of the letter she stated "I wanted to hurt you" (or something like that)

    Anyhow, this is why I believe Azula's fire is blue. It seems that as a 14 year old, she was thirsty for power. She thought her mother didn't love her so she a strayed from good. She learned from Ozai. As you might know, blue is the hottest color of fire. So her fire was powerful because all she believed in was the fear of others and power.


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