MOMOCON: Lin's Father WILL be revealed in a future episode!

Recently at a major Avatar event called "Momocon" it was revealed that Lin Bei Fong's father will be revealed in a future episode of "The Legend of Korra".

Who could possibly be Lin's father? Is he still alive in The Legend of Korra?
Lin's father could actually be dead and may be revealed via the Spirit World in Book 2 (since Book 2 is primarily focusing on the Spirit world).

Information on this topic is very thin, however my personal guess at who her father is, is Haru. Although he did briefly have a thing for Katara I thought something may have happened between the two of them after the war ended. This probably didn't happen although its always fun to speculate!

Be sure to check out the youtube version of this update here!


  1. Haru seems unlikely however I guess it wouldn't be bad. It would seem weird for Toph to have a child with him and I would think that considering how they've kept it a secret for this long, they probably made it someone interesting (Haru would be a little anti-climactic.)

    1. Is there anyone that would make it climatic though? I couldn't really think of anyone who would be a huge shock and make a big storyline. Although it could just be someone we've never heard of. Thanks for your opinion!

  2. Maybe The Duke they seemed to get along well


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